The Revolution Blog

This wheel will have you climbing the walls

Monday, Jun 25, 2018

Exercise is never something we love to do. Unless there are wheels involved. Then we’re pumped. Then we’re interested.

Take this rock climbing contraption from Italian company Climblock. It’s called the Rotor, and it offers continuous rock climbing nirvana until you cry uncle. Through some pretty sophisticated engineering, the automated Rotor rolls round and round, letting climbers lunge and grab at the holds to “ascend” their route of choice at various difficulties. Every turn of the wheel equals roughly 40 feet of climbing height.

Measuring 13 x 9 x 16.4 feet, the 3-ton Router might not exactly mimic the same adrenaline rush that comes with fighting nature’s gravity. But it may soon bring training joy to citybound athletes who may otherwise find themselves among the boulder-ly challenged. Climblock bills the device as a strength, resistance and endurance training system. But don’t expect it to go on sale any time soon. It’s still being billed on its website as a “work in progress.”

Just like our abs.

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