It’s not always easy coming up with new ways to market Hamilton. But we do love a catchy Christmas song. So when our new Director of Marketing Jodi Fritsch suggested we reimagine one of the classics—Hamilton style—for the Revolution Blog, the first thing we thought was “Wow, we’re really going to like this Jodi person.” And the second thing we thought was, “Break out the Red Bulls. We’ve got a late night ahead of us.” So here you have it: Our shameless plug of Hamilton to put you in the spirit through the lens of an oldie but a goodie, “The Christmas Song” (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...). We dare you not to hum along.
“The Hamilton Song”
Casters rolling down a warehouse aisle,
Welders nipping at your nose,
Yuletide barrels being rolled with a tire
And custom carts with ultra-heavy loads.
Everybody knows a Dura- or an UltraGlide™
Help to make the hauling light.
Clever customers with their monster jobs aglow
Will find it hard to choose the other guys.
They know that Hamilton’s on its way
We’ve got lots of goodies on our PRONTO® sleigh.
And every factory floor is gonna smile
To know that productivity’s really gonna fly.
And so we’re offering this simple phrase
To loads from 1-ton to 92.
Although it’s been said many times many ways
Happy Haul-idays to you.