The Revolution Blog

Why our new Champion Stainless Casters win in punishing environments

Thursday, Oct 28, 2021

You know that old U.S. Postal Service phrase that touts how “neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night” will stop them from delivering? Well, that could be the motto for our new Stainless Champion Casters (Series CHS).

Rated up to 3200 pounds per caster, this stainless steel version of our existing Champion series represents the highest rated stainless steel caster series on the market today. With Stainless Champion, you can transport all your extra heavy loads through caustic environments without a care—or where sanitary consideration demand having all fork and hardware made of stainless steel. Harsh chemicals? No problem. Frequent moisture conditions? Bring it. Our Stainless Champion Casters stand up to rusting and corroding like the champs that they are without compromising performance.

Each caster undergoes a special process after fabrication to eliminate embedded contaminants, edge burrs and surface stress. The result? A gorgeous, high lustre finish with a less porous surface that’s impervious to dirt and easier to clean, making these casters ideal for chemical factories, food processing plants and cooking facilities, pharma houses and other wash-down environments such as fisheries.

Swivel and matching rigid models offer a broad variety of hard or soft tread wheels from 6” to 12” diameter by 3” wide wheels, including CNC-machined solid stainless steel wheels. All wheels feature maintenance-free stainless steel precision ball bearings.

Best of all, there’s no long wait time that you might expect with specialty casters. The vast majority of the new Champion Series CHS is available in two weeks ARO.

Order your Championship Stainless series today for a winning season of durability and performance.

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